Do you really have feeling to cry these tears

This post is about what USA do to in this world , I don`t hate USA or American people but I do hate it's army ..
This Army destroys more than two countries and killed more than million of incant civilians , and then saying we just attack the terrorists !
Okay , I wanna know from any body here what is the meaning of terrorist ?
I will tell you ..
The terrorist who attack you is just an ordinary human like me and you , his family or beloved friends killed by you , and so he decided to make Retaliation

Do you think that this kid will grow up as a USA lover ! his mother killed between his hands because of your bombs , he will decide to make retaliation and you will call him terrorist !

This is simply the terrorist .. and you ( US Army ) raise the numbers of your haters and your enemies by more killing incant souls ..
USA in the eyes of Iraqi kid now are equals to demon of blood and cruelty so he changed to a rebel to resist the cow boys , the cow boys then called him a Terrorist

and the democracy that Bush bring it to Iraq was not real democracy , it was fake one , it was an insult and a sham for everyone has the American nationality

this not point of view of the Iraqi kid only , but also Afghani kid , Lebanese kid and Palestinians kid
why Lebanese & Palestinians kid ?
cause you will never prevent Israel from killing them , and you help Israel every day by your weapons and support and UN Vito against any decision will condemns Israel

Are all these kids terrorists that you want to kill ?

If you really have a mercy , why did you kill me ?

These men may be terrorists in your point of view but USA Army is not angel in the point of view of them ..
I am standing with all the victims in the 9-11 black day and I really love all my friends from USA but I really hate what it's army does every day in Iraq & Afghanistan ..
you learn your kids to write messages to the terrorist on the missiles ..

you are the teacher of all the terrorist , you learn people how to kill , destroy with no mercy .. So don`t call them terrorists , call them the rebels of your terrorism ..

في هذا البوست لا ادافع عن الارهابيين بل ابين الفرق بين ابين معنى كلمة مقاوم و لماذا ظهر هذا المقاوم بتلك الصورة الوحشية
انها غريزة الانتقام
USA army destroys a civilian car
what a terrorism
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4 comentários:
Caro David, uma sugestão tente escrever em Português, nem toda a gente lê inglês e há sempre o tratutor do google para traduzir a página para inglês.
Um abraço
Olá Victor, como vai?
Eu não sei fazer nada disso. Mesmo a postagem tive que pedir a um empregado da Biblioteca para colocá-la. Eu pouco ou nada evolui nestas coisas.
Amanhã vou estar com o Mário Margaride e com quem quiser aparecer naquele café onde estivemos, caso queira apareça, está bem?
Depois do que li e do que ouvi, e vi, não tenho palavras, eu já sabia que era assim, mas, custa tanto ver estas coisas...
Como é que é possível?
A administração Bush, e o exército Americano, vão pagar bem caro, disso não tenho dúvidas, será para eles o pior Vietname da sua história...
Abraços do Beezz... e parabéns pelo post.
Não pagam, não, bezz!
A economia dos donos da América assenta no crime e na maldade.
Eles ainda vão seres os terroristas mais criminosos e bandidos do mundo durante muitas gerações.
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